
Calibration is the problem, the ENTIRE problem.



Engineers know this. Anyone who knows the difference between analog and digital equipment knows anything analog becomes worthless as soon as it goes out of calibration. Even digital equipment may continue to crunch the numbers properly, but when it converts its results to an analog form for humans to use, it MUST meet calibration reference standards.



A volt must be a volt. A pound must be a pound. An inch must be an inch. A minute must be a minute, etc.



When a person’s diet become lopsided over the holidays, colds, sniffles or weight gain results. Why? Your body has lost its calibration points, namely a consistently healthy diet.



When your car leans toward one of the tires. Check the air pressure, it must match the other 3 tires. Likewise, the air pressure gauge you use on one tire, should match the one used on the other 3.



Same thing with the economy. Its CALIBRATION, STUPID. It’s not any of the gazillion distractions that get the blame. It’s not union greed, corporate greed, peak oil, high or low interest rates, Reaganomics, Obamanomics, big box stores or small family owned business sticking it to the consumer. It is entirely calibration messing up the country and world economies. The distractions can AFFECT calibration, BUT the root problem is lack of CALIBRATION ITSELF.



We have DIGITS on the dollar bill for a reason. It’s called a denomination. That is supposed to be a statement of value. But currencies trade on a market. Markets depend on supply and demand, NOT fixed value. Unfortunately, and even Ron Paul doesn’t seem to know this, GOLD is a trade-able commodity on a market, thus is NOT a stable reference calibration point either. While it may have been a credible reference standard 200 years ago. A hundred years of every country in the world using a fiat currency system has allowed those who print the money to now own most all of the gold. Busted.



So what reference standard would stabilize ALL money, no matter what country? I’m only concerned about humans myself, not much else, selfishly because I am one.



How about taking a serious look at the cost of civilized living ANYWHERE on the planet, and standardize that? The Consumer Price index was a failed attempt to do that, until things got removed and other things added. Not much demand for buggy whips, but how long with plastic I-pads demand big bucks?



People need:

Food, clothing, housing, transportation, communication.



Nobody, no matter how handicapped or lazy deserves to sleep and die in the street. ANYONE willing to show up at a job and do what they are told, deserves to have all 5 issues met, no matter how menial their skill/task requirements are. If the job requires a human to do it, the human doing it needs all 5 of the above met in exchange for their labor. If your car needs so much gas to get to your destination, you either put it in the tank or walk. Same with employees. Pay them enough to live on or get out of that business.



Politicians invented minimum wage to accomplish that task. But it failed miserably. A 40 hour minimum wage job in Los Angeles will not presently qualify a person for a small one bedroom apartment there from any commercial housing firm, not to mention the other 4 needs. Why?



Total MIS-Calibration of wages to actual cost of maintaining a human.



Marrying and supporting a family should not be reserved to the elite either. That needs to be included, as does supporting elderly parents and savings for unlisted challenges.



As we look at manufacturing technology over the last hundred years, that has changed drastically too. But society is not all manufacturing jobs. Many jobs just require sitting in a chair doing some serious thinking, maybe with a computer in front of you, or a steering wheel, but time consuming none the less. Still, I feel the 40 hour work week should now be history. If a business makes widgets, forget tying your slave to a machine for 40 hours. Consider an 18 hour week. Yes, I said 18 hours. If the goal is to crank out widgets using all available machine time. Hire 8 times as many people, work them on 6 hour shifts. 4 shifts per day. 3 days a week. You may now do that again inside the same week. Result is your plant cranks out widgets 6 days a week, 24 hours a day, but no overtime expense. The hitch is you need to pay each worker enough to live on from only 18 hours of work. That is YOUR problem Einstein, not THEIRS. You’re the brilliant guy who runs the company and expects the big bucks yourself, right? Here is how to do it.



RECALIBRATE EVERYTHING or DIE when the present system explodes and takes everything down.



Bankers have known this fact of the universe since the start. They have continually nudged the calibration of EVERYTHING in the economy to their favor. The table has been tilted to make all the chips slide to their side of the table. Can anyone take multinational CEO, celebrity, or sports figure wages seriously? Or ANY executive banker wage? All they do is count YOUR money, and make it become theirs. They never worked to earn the money they loan you. It’s been a mafia racket since day one.



If a person cannot obtain your product or service in order to meet his 5 necessities of life, for the price offered, your product is OVERPRICED. Likewise if his 18 hour paycheck allows him to get too much of your product or service, you are UNDERPRICED.



This is where fiat currency becomes practical and harms no one, so long as it REMAINS CALIBRATED to the population at large. There has to be sufficient currency available for companies to pay employees enough to live on sufficiently from only 18 hours of work. This pulls the huge amount of unemployed off the streets. This also makes employers who have taken unfair advantage of slave labor wages, reassess their business plan.



Three industries need to do some soul searching immediately. Housing is too expensive everywhere. Maintaining a reliable vehicle is too expensive everywhere. Energy is too expensive everywhere.



Automation and other technology advances can and should affect all 3 soon, so long as the companies who make them don’t expect their present outrageous profit margins, which all flow to a small number of shareholders.



Seemingly converse. Corporate profits need to be included in necessary costs to continue to pay dividends to retirees and those taking the risk of helping the company get started in the first place, along with ongoing growth. This continues the good aspects of capitalism by both allowing and encouraging profits to those who deserve them.



Any honest person who studies the CAFR knows taxes have been unnecessary in this country for more than 50 years. Put some honest politicians in office and hire some honest accountants too. Government can run itself, WITHOUT INCOME TAX, either personal or corporate. Taxing the corporation means less they can pay their employees and stockholders. Both are counterproductive.



Bankers presently are aiming at something resembling what I say here, but not the same. They claim they need a one world government to enforce such ideals. Wrong.



Nations survive quite well in peace until bankers start wars. People gladly stay within borders until something forces them away from their natural habitat. China is the most populated nation on the planet, but still remains within borders. The United States still has enormous areas of unpopulated land, but continues to force its corrupted opinions on small countries throughout the middle east. It neither needs their dirt, nor its oil. Power monger mental cases rise to the top in government. They now have the triggers to the biggest guns on the planet, yet the American economy drops to 3rd world level in many states and counties now.



If calibrated properly, there should be no destitute starving anywhere, nor should there be fat cats making zillions/second while they sleep using phony debt as a threat against those who do work. There are PLENTY of resources in the world to do exactly as I suggest.






START with providing the basic needs for ALL employees, structured to create a product meeting acceptable market pricing, then let your automation equipment and marketing strategies create the profits.



No elite bureaucrats controlling the worker; telling menial labor to live in the slums, while they ride chauffeured limos to their estate. No corrupt labor union leader making more than the founders, demanding money that doesn’t exist either.



Recalibrate or face the consequences. The gauge on your boiler says normal, while the temperature inside is ready to rupture its container and take out a city in the process. Nature itself is constantly adjusting for imbalances. ALL factors of our economy need to also.



The ultimate reference point is not the weight of gold. It is the command to “do unto others as you want them to do unto you.” God put humans on a planet with plenty of resources to survive quite well. Whatever goes out of calibration and causes either extreme of poverty or opulence needs to be corrected.



Ken Rasmussen, editor:






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