Bad Science,
Bad Theology,
Bad Economics and
Bad Government are destroying all of us.
Each of these fields are supposed to be led by honest, competent people to give us all productive advice and direction in each of these areas applied to our lives, survival and growth.
How do credible fields of Science, theology, economics and government become contaminated and lose all credibility?
But by who? By those who have an agenda to promote BAD science, theology, economics or politics.
Why would anyone do that?
Everyone is supposed to be guided by truth. But if someone tells you a lie, and claims it is true, they just took control of you, until the lie is exposed to you.
Liars eventually lie with enough rope to hang themselves. But until the truth is exposed, they get away with murder.
The lie.
Global warming. Started by Al Gore. He claims carbon dioxide, CO2, causes warming and is thus bad. This fallacy was then promoted by strong political and economic forces to become policy in many governments around the world. Using this claim, governments began spraying skies with substances to reflect sunlight, the natural cause of heat. Also arguing that humans create CO2 merely by breathing, it blended into the eugenics movement/cult to eliminate as many humans as possible and slow down all this creation of CO2.
The truth.
Global pollution and climate have no correlation whatsoever. Climate is caused by energy coming from the sun, which interacts with planets, comets, and even other stars as the universe is continually moving. The substances being sprayed to reflect sunlight have toxic aluminum powder. That kills major food crops. Al Gore’s buddies at Monsanto are now trying to sell aluminum-resistant genetically modified seeds to farmers who are losing their crops from the aluminum content in chemtrail spraying. Al Gore also worked with Goldman Sachs to create energy credits. This conspiracy helped criminals in the oil industry to offset their pollution guilt and make a profit at the same time. But Gore’s anti-CO2 policy extends into a grossly twisted religion which argues to kill humans as young as possible. This to prevent a lifetime of CO2 production. Wonder why Al Gore and his global warming cult also promote abortion? Pollution really is a serious problem. Temperature variation and CO2 are not.
The lie.
Commonly known as law of thermodynamics. But closer study of this faulty law reveals it only applies to the energy sources known at the time of Newton, and even then, does not adequately define the true source for any of those energies either.
The truth.
Other sources of energy have and will be discovered, along with methods to access them. Many things and principles are yet to be discovered. It is quite arrogant to think mankind knows all there is to know in the universe, about energy or anything.
The lies.
Nobody knows for sure what happens when a person dies. Every religion has its own theories. Each is as good as the next.
The truth.
Jesus Christ is the only one in history to first die in front of hundreds of witnesses, then come back to life days later and be seen again by more witnesses, talking, eating and carrying on fully living again. Only He has power over life and death. No other religion can both claim and show evidence of that. Jesus taught peace. The only people he was violent with were of his own race, who tried to twist faith into financial gain or political power. He never advocated wars to promote any idealism. Those who claim otherwise today are not following what Christ actually taught.
The lie.
Most all wars in history were caused by religion.
The truth.
Hitler, Stalin and Mao killed more humans than all other tyrants combined. All marched under the claim of atheism. Every war in history had someone finance it. No soldier marches to war without a paycheck. It was true in Roman times. It is true today. In the last 400 years the financiers were always bankers, following a fiat money/debt scam created by the Rothschilds. I said following. Jews are not solely to blame for this. Prescot Bush was an American banker. He financed Adolf Hitler. Other Wall Street criminals financed the overthrow of Russian Czars to bring in Communism, attempting to eliminate Christianity of any type. While Islam has many violent verses in the Koran, that entire religion only began about 620 AD. It branched off on its own, and denied much that is accepted by Judaism and Christianity. But just like them, probably only 3% or less take time to read and follow their own scripture. So even Islamic Wars are seldom started by real Muslims, but instigated by financial interests who create race and religion wars for more sinister reasons. Who instigates these? A principle taught in the Art of War is if you have 2 enemies, make them hate each other and kill each other off. So ask yourself, who profits when a Jew kills an Arab? The same one who profits when an Arab kills a Jew. Then ask yourself, who would take their wealth if both died in wars? Answer that and you found who is causing all the tension in the middle east. It is NOT Jews and Arabs themselves. Nowhere in Old or New Testament are either commanded to kill the other. There are verses in the Koran calling for violence against Christians and Jews, but you need to listen to research by Walter Veith on the origin of Islam to understand a hidden motive why those passages exist. The human authors of the Koran wanted Jews and Arabs to kill each other off. But neither Jewish or Christian Scripture teach any type of destruction or curse to the Arab race. Anyone who claims they do, have not read them, and a lying. Sadly, the present government of Israel seems to forget the dire warning God gave them in Joshua 33: 15-16 telling them to serve Him, or He will REMOVE THEM FROM THE LAND AGAIN. Has Israel been infiltrated?
The lie.
Governments have to tax their population to fund operations.
The truth.
Learn what the CAFR is. Governments only report on budgets. They don’t tell you what is done with what is left over at the end of the year. They all have been placing it into interest and dividend yielding investments. Look at any comprehensive annual financial report. Look for the words non-tax revenue. More often than not, you will find THAT number well exceeds the amount of annual tax revenue. So if expenses were monitored with any level of integrity and honesty, any government should be paying dividends back to its citizens, not taxing them more.
The lie.
Everyone has to borrow to get started. Nobody can pay cash for a house.
The truth.
Parents are supposed to INVEST in their children. Investments need to be monitored. Just like crops need watering and fertilizing. But diligent efforts in monitoring an investment yields bountiful crops. I learned as a stock broker a powerful formula. If you buy a house via a mortgage with a banker, you end up buying one for yourself, one for the banker, and one for his mistress. You pay three times your purchase price. But in only 7 years, with an average growth mutual fund, if you rent cheap, and save the difference you would have paid for a huge mortgage, monthly, you will have cash to buy the same priced house, yes in only 7 years, NOT 30.
The lie.
America only has 2 parties. I always have to choose the lesser of 2 evils.
The truth.
Monopolies learned years ago to contribute heavily to BOTH parties. So they OWN both candidates. You will ONLY get political puppets of the richest organizations in the country if you vote either Republican or Democrat. Nothing will ever change. Third parties are the only possible way out.
The lie
But TV only tells me about the ones who are likely to win. Why wast a vote on an unknown?
The truth.
TV stations are all owned by the few who profit by keeping you ignorant. Ask yourself why campaigns are so expensive? Because TV stations charge so much. So who gets media reports? Only the candidates supported by the same millionaires who already control the TV stations.
The lie
Romans 13 tells me governments are established by God Himself, and we are not to challenge them.
The truth
That is what Hitler told German Christians. But read on. Governments are to enforce God’s principles. When they don’t enforce righteousness, they are not legitimate governments. They are nothing more than thieves who stole their positions.
The lie.
Ronald Reagan spoke a partial truth. Government was too big, and has too many regulations.
But what happened?
FCC dropped regulations and what did we get. Profanity on prime time TV, and monopolies controlling the broadcast airwaves, both formerly forbidden. Minerals Management Services stopped enforcing safety and sanity regulations on BP. The result is the Gulf of Mexico catastrophe. Government regulators stopped regulating and turned the workplace into drunken sex orgies, just like ancient Rome when it collapsed.
We don’t need bigger government. The term Homeland Security came from Germany. The Patriot Act was written BEFORE 9/11 by someone with an agenda for the same abuse of power as Hitler’s agenda. It was legislated into power by politicians with the same agenda.
We need the government we already have to enforce the laws we already have on the proper people.
I recently had to sit in a court room dealing with a small claims issue. The same court also handled traffic tickets. While waiting my turn, I saw the same California Highway Patrol offer sit and read off a long list of his training credentials, followed by a long list of all the technical qualification and calibration his speed radar went through, certified and signed by State Universities. He repeated the same 5 minutes of details for every person accused of speeding. Who was he convicting? I saw a little old lady, maybe 60+, guilty of turning from a 65 mph road onto a 55 mph road, and not knowing the limit had changed. There were no postings. But guess where the officer parked and picked off one speeder after another with his radar? For another of his victims, it was the third speeding offense and he lost his license and ability to drive to his job. For another lady, she was a school bus driver professionally, but was caught in her own personal vehicle by sophisticated radar doing 10 over the NOT-posted limit. She lost her job because of a single speeding ticket.
How is government using technology? To catch real criminals? No. They use expensive electronics to cherry pick little old ladies when she is not paying close attention to her speedometer? The same abuse of technology is happening at all US airports, harassing everyday travelers, not real terrorists.
Government ignored BP drilling 3 miles deeper than their permit allowed, ignoring safety procedures and killed 11 people, followed by the annihilation of all sea life in the Gulf of Mexico.
Government ignored Enron as they manipulated energy markets.
Government ignored Goldman Sachs as they CONTINUE to manipulates ALL markets.
Government ignored Insurance companies who ignored compliance laws.
Government ignores as Obama appoints his mafia, and gay bath house buddies from Chicago, some with dual passports to his cabinet.
Governments hide massive assets only found buried inside CAFR documents, and keep raising unnecessary taxes, lying to the public as they do, frequently using those hidden assets to fund the politician’s private projects
But government attacks with a vengeance on any small natural vitamin company or small energy inventor who attempts to provide a better product than the garbage forced on us by the monopolies of pharmaceuticals or energy industries. We just can’t have little old ladies driving 10 mph over the limit in the California desert. She might hit an endangered Kangaroo rat. They don’t seem to care I drove over a half dozen of them driving the legal limit on a trip last week. Just a few months after heavy winter rains, the desert explodes with the little varmits.
Yes, government is too big. But the laws we already have need to stop the real criminals, not be used to harass common citizens.
Is there place for science, theology, economics and government? Yes, when run by qualified people. But not when they are run by infiltrators with destructive agendas. When a good organization goes bad, it is always due to infiltration by someone with an agenda to destroy it, by abusing its power and misapplying it.
Ken Rasmussen